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Volunteer: Drive Impact through Data - Become an Impact Associate at Oppia



Sacramento, CA, USA
Posted on Monday, January 15, 2024
The Oppia team works to create effective, enjoyable online lessons at scale that can reach millions of people. We want every individual, no matter what their personal circumstances, to have access to learning experiences that are not only pedagogically effective, but also fun and engaging. Our focus is on reducing the equity gap in access to education, and we are currently working on providing free and effective basic math and science lessons that can be played on cheap Android devices to learners in underserved communities around the world. Oppia's lessons have already reached over 2,000,000 users, and learners using our basic mathematics curriculum have seen gains of over 50% from pre-test to post-test. You can read some examples of our work in these blog posts https //medium.com/@ebelubhuhiose/86b97283edf4 and https //medium.com/@ojobusayo99/6e783aaddb74 .

A key differentiator of Oppia is its unique technology platform, which simulates an interactive tutor by adapting each lesson to individual learners’ needs and providing specific, targeted feedback to help them improve. Furthermore, all our lessons are openly licensed and the platform is open source, which enables a diverse group of educators and technologists from around the world to regularly iterate on and improve them.

If you’re interested in data strategy and storytelling for impact, with the aim of helping underserved children gain access to education, this is the volunteer role for you! Oppia is looking for passionate individuals to join our Impact Tracking Team to measure the impact of the organization, and provide strategic advice to enable Oppia to continue providing free educational services for underserved learners around the world who are unable to afford them.

To get started, please fill in this form https //docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeSiJICeqoj77FO-s8CieLNGmNU6ILpwPgNyy7ZxVRA0UU3fQ/viewform

Who We Are

The Oppia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with the mission to provide high quality education to all. We do this through the creation and maintenance of our free-to-use platform, Oppia (https //www.oppia.org), the coordination of our passionate contributors, and the development of critical partnerships with NGOs in the communities we aim to serve.

Where You Fit In

Millions of children are not receiving the education they deserve. Of the 61 million children worldwide who cannot attend primary school, 17 million will never step foot into a school if trends continue. In the wake of COVID-19, millions more children are also seeing interruptions in their daily lives, stability, and education - making it even more difficult than before for many students to get the education they need to succeed.

The Impact Measurement team focuses on the numbers that matter most. We create and refine the Theory of Change, which guides how we measure Oppia's impact. By tracking key metrics, we capture and highlight Oppia's influence. This informs our leaders' strategic decisions, and ensures that resources are allocated to areas that bring the biggest impact. Beyond data analysis, we take these insights and craft narratives to communicate our progress to our supporters and the wider community, ensuring they understand the real-world impact of their contributions.

The role is responsible for the following


  • Take lead on drafting Oppia’s quarterly impact tracking report
  • Assist in preparing (1) a bi-annual strategic review, (2) an annual Oppia report, and (3) reviewing Oppia’s Theory of Change (whenever necessary)

Areas of Responsibilities

This is a volunteer opportunity provided by VolunteerMatch, in partnership with LinkedIn for Good.

  • Run a repeatable and lightweight process for impact tracking, and run it every quarter. This process includes
    • Collecting data from our metrics dashboard (on Google Analytics)
    • Engaging various Oppia teams (e.g. Engineering, Content, Programs) to collect the relevant metrics on a quarterly basis
    • Analyzing trends on Oppia’s performance (e.g. quarterly or annual improvements, dropping performances), and identifying areas for strategic review
  • Other tasks may include (as needed)
    • Updat